Thursday, April 28, 2011

Introduct and purpose

I wanted to write this blog as motivation to stick with and improve my physical fitness. Like many people out there the stresses of life have caught up to me very quickly. Working at establishing a career combined with juggling a social life and passion for gaming there just seemed to not be enough hours in the day.

One day I was a healthy 175lbs active individual , then the next I was a 220 over weight man who hated the sight of his belly in the mirror.

So after some failed attempts to diet and workout I decided to combine two things I enjoy and let them feed off each other. By using my desire and passion for gaming to fuel my need to lose weight and get healthy I am hopeful that I will reach my goal.
Those goals are:

To reach level 50 in rift as my newly rolled Mage on Shatterbone (named Kadell)
In 90 days lose 30lbs by eating healthy and using the workout videos from P90x in my home

Now to clarify the rules and stipulations:
My time is Rift is solely based on the time I spend working out: For every hour I spend working out I will be awarded 2 hours in Rift (to be redeemed at anytime)
I will not be strictly following the guide lines in the p90x workout (because I am a human and food is really tasty) but rather using what they say to avoid over eating and unhealthy foods.
I started an excel file to map my progress in regards to reps and weight used.
I will not be weighing myself except for the start of the 90days and the end. Mainly because to me the number on the scale means less then what the reflection in the mirror says.
I will be taking a daily Ultimate Man multivitamin from the Vitamin shop as well as using Recreate as an additional weight supplement.

Due to my housing situation I will be using resistance bands instead of free weights and a pull up bar (tone not size).

Follow or not this is mainly for me as a way to write about gaming and get back into shape. Hopefully this inspires some of my fellow gamers to level not only their toons but their bodies as well.